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Code, graphics and sounds by Alberto Carminati

A physics based game where you control a drone to push and puff around falling leaves, with an (underdeveloped) audio aspect. Fly around and blow leaves, it's more fun than actually trying to beat the game :D

Coded with Vscode and opensource libraries like Threejs and Cannonjs(es), models done using Blender, flat graphics with Inkscape, sounds with Sonipi: complete opensource toolkit!

One sound isn't from me but from ... sorry I can't find the author of the "bang" sound when hitting something.

BUG WARNING: a bug prevents the game from going beyond level selection when on firefox. It's an wasy fix but I have to wait for ratings to end, sorry

WARNING: this game was made entirely with javascript, using the great threejs,  cannonjs for physics running on a delicate webworker and the finnicky webaudio api. It was tested on chrome longer than on any other browser, so expect less bugs running on chrome!

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